Sunday, April 15, 2007

More observations

April 15th

Not much has changed in the forums. One user, decrumpit123, made a mistake of asking what other users would refer to as a stupid question. He/she asked about a song on one of the ytmnd sites. No user took it upon them to help him/her out. Another user, Pronoun, decided to clarify things by saying, “WHAT ARE WE A FCKING HELP KIOSK THERES A FUCKING THRED WHER U ASK THIS SHIT AND BESIDES THIS IS "GENERAL CHAT" NOT "ASK DUMBASS QUESTIONS TO SIX PEOPLE WHO DONT GIVE A SHIT" AND WE AR HERE TO DISCUS YOURE MAN NOW DOG THE SO TAKE UR FUCKING QUESTIONS ELSEWHERE AND IF I SEE U MAKE ONE MORE THREAD LIKE THIS UR IN BIG DOODOO GOT IT?????? FUCK THIS THREAD NOBODY BETTER FUCKING POST AFTER ME.” This is consistent with the board’s elitist attitude that was brought up in my previous entry. In another instance, a new user called Woldieslayer inquired about what to do about the domain and URL as he/she was having a problem. Once again, Pronoun chimed in with, “God, learn to internet.” In the NSFW forum, which is where Woldieslayer first posted this question, he/she was also not helped but in a more devious way. In response to Woldieslayer’s inquiry, two users posted links to other threads on the forum. Each user added a “welcome to the forum” greeting probably as way for Woldieslayer to drop his/her guard. I will not go into detail of what the links were actually links of but I will say that it wouldn’t have answered Woldieslayer’s question. I suppose all of this could be considered as a form of hazing for the new people.

1 comment:

Woldieslayer said...

LMFAO !!! I am Woldieslayer!!! I typed my name on google just for fun and a random blog is about meh lol!!! yea YTMND is awesome but most of the users are not helpful and stupid and immuture lol cant belive there is a random blog bout me lol